Creativity, Uncertainty & Change

with Janice Francisco Episode 38 part 2

Transcript available here.

Founder of Bridgepoint Effect, Janice Francisco talks creativity in the face of continuing uncertainty. What organizations, leaders & employees can do to move forward & shift away from anxiety driven thinking to creativity at a time of prolonged uncertainty & ambiguity.

More from Janice in this episode:

  • Bridgepoint Effect’s work to help teams collaborate more effectively in person & remotely
  • The importance of knowing our purpose, pursuing immediate wins & shorter planning horizons in the face of uncertainty
  • The difference between innovation under duress & creative innovation in a positive state
  • How to cultivate creativity understanding that we live & work in challenging times
  • Why continuous learning is an essential skill now & for the future

Connect to BridgepointEffect.

Thanks to for music in this episode and Frederico Bottos for imagery above.