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Computer scientist Vera Neverkevich knows it’s a conversation killer to say she works in IT. By night, she’s a filmmaker. Vera talks about how her career in IT contributes to her film work. She explains how an outsider’s perspective adds creative value to her films and helps her stories stand out amid intense competition.
Her story is about cross-pollinating a creative and scientific life and has insights for creatives and innovators everywhere who take risks, create something new and persist through setbacks and celebrations. Vera’s films have played at international film festivals and she’s only just getting started in tapping her imagination and creativity.
More from Vera in this episode:
- How she got the film bug and started making movies
- How a career in IT helps Vera be more creative behind the lens and balance the risks of creative work
- 3 elements for success in mastering a new field: continuous learning, focus and persistence
- Why creativity is a team sport: drawing inspiration from other artists & how it works when collaborators don’t always see eye to eye
- How cross-pollination across genres gives rise to new ideas and new stories
- How an outsider’s viewpoint gives you a unique tool to approach challenges
- How Vera faces setbacks and gets back in the game.
- The ideas behind Vera’s projects, Burned, Alice Lost Her Cat and a love story from the end of the Soviet Union
- How films get made and funded