Why Innovation is a Survival Skill
Shari Hughson is a serial entrepreneur, a corporate intrapreneur and a social innovator who lived off the land for 7 years. She’s currently Director of the Master of Management Innovation & Entrepreneurship program at Queen’s University. Shari talks about the powerful lessons of an unconventional life, why you should care about innovation, what’s different and similar between intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs and the most essential qualities and skills you need to solve problems in a new way.
More from Shari in this episode:
- Why innovation is at its core about solving problems
- Why curiosity, openness and execution are innovators’ most essential skills and qualities
- Why innovation is a process and why effective experiments and creativity are two of its most important components
- How entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship skills are teachable and how they can be acquired
- New careers working with innovation in organizations and startups
- Why intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs are often the same people at different moments in their careers
- How to make decisions in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world
- How to get from small steps and experiments to significant change