Career Inflection Point
What to do about work & careers when the world is uncertain? Dr. Nayla Bahri chats on what we can do in times of upheaval & stability. She’s a career coach, teacher & leadership & development expert & former student dean at the Columbia School of Business in New York who shares with a human approach to work, careers & life beyond.
More from Nayla Bahri in this episode:
- what we can do as companies & the economy weather uncertainty amid the covid-19 pandemic
- her research on people’s job outcomes following the 2008 financial crisis & what that can tell us now
- the personal, interior work you can do during this time
- how mutually beneficial networking can help provide support & an understand of what’s happening & how you can help
- what mentorship can look like & how to draw on it for data that’s useful to you & your choices
- carrying out experiments to find out what kinds of work are feasible & work well for you
- avoiding getting stuck in career transitions
- living in the unusual circumstances we’re in & nurturing our lives outside of work while preparing for the road ahead
You can find out more on Nayla Bahri’s work, her podcast, articles & career highlight reel information sheet here.
Thanks to ZapSplat.com for music in this episode.